Session 1: Intro

My Digital Story:

The mapping task engaged us to think about a journey that’s occurred in our lives that has happened digitally. It could be an ongoing journey which is leading you somewhere or just something small that has happened. Below I have mapped out and bullet pointed out the key moments that have made my journey:
  • I watched created videos on YouTube from theNightFuryfan95 and 1998Ebb based around films and TV series but I was already editing in Photoshop.
  • Downloaded Sony Vegas Pro and created my own YouTube channel and editing Instagram account. 
  • Editing led me to take Media Studies (GCSE) and Film Studies (A-Level). 
  • 2018 interviewed for the National Youth Film Academy and took part in the 2 week course in April 2019 as the role of editor. 
  • Networked with numerous contacts leading me to an internship with the company Clouded Vision.  

The point of my story is how I would never have found the path of my future if I hadn't tried different things, overcome my fears and nervousness and keep pressing on to succeed further with it. Editing led to me do a range of different things from Photoshop to Sony Vegas Pro and even learn Premiere Pro which is how and why I created my own Instagram and YouTube accounts. Here are few videos that have inspired me over the years:

What Have I Learned in this Session?

It was interesting to learn from our session today where the internet came from. In my group we learned the internet was formed in the late 1960s as a prototype was created named ARPANET. It was the first real network produced and used for military use as the computing system was offered to the front lines. But as the program ran on packet switching technology it ‘linked mainframes within universities, government agencies and defence contractors’ (Tarnoff, 2016) across the country as the Internet was created within the United States. 

The only problem with ARPANET was the fact that it wasn’t mobile meaning computers couldn’t be connected unless it was over fixed links. October 29th 1969 was the first time two computers connected with one another creating the Internet also known as the World Wide Web. There was development to the Internet creating the Web 2.0. The difference between the original web and web 2.0 is the enabled collaboration; as David Gauntlett states it became a collective allotment as everyone could work in a shared space instead of individually where they had to hop to different computers to get what they wanted. 

Web 2.0 is in fact efficient for today’s society, but just as Sherry Turkle believes the internet does have the intention to drain us away from everything everywhere. I understand when she says this because you do find nowadays people are more connected with their phones, tablets and other technical devices so Turkle has sense in states ‘as technology ramps up, our emotional lives ramp down’ (Turkle, 2013).

What am I Looking Forward to in the Upcoming Sessions?

I am most interested in learning the different ways in storytelling as this has always been a passion of mine and something I would like to extend on further and I’m hoping the upcoming tasks will help me discover new ways in how storytelling can be told. I’m also eager to look into this idea of visual design and graphics because, when I’ve edited in the past I’ve never really thought of the meaning and decisions behind ways aspects are chosen in design and I feel this lesson will help me dig deeper into my understanding so I can use it in the future. 

Out of the whole module, I want to discover new ways of media and how I can use them in the work I do now and extended on them in my own time to enhance my portfolio so I’ll have a range of skills and talents to show employers. 


Tarnoff, B (2016) ‘How the internet was invented’, The Guardian, 15 July,  accessed on 27/02/2020

Craig, W, ‘The History of the Internet in a Nutshell’, WEBFX, accessed on 27/02/2020


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