Session 2: Visual Design & Art of Persuasion

My Visual Design:

Our main task for the lesson today was looking into Gestalt Branding. There are 5 laws when customising a poster for a brand, product or charity or even film. 
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the meaning of Gestalt is ‘the way a thing has been “placed” or “put together”’ (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). 

Looking over the ten usability points when evaluating a design by Jakob Nielsen in the book of ‘The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design’ by Jamie Steane I was influenced to create my poster designs based on Nielsen’s first point as he talks about elegant simplicity where you keep it minimal as it creates attraction.

Poster 1:
For poster one I chose Pandora with law of Proximity. I noticed they always place the crown of their brand on top of the let ‘o’ in their name. Keeping this idea of simplicity from Nielsen, I used one of their bracelets to resemble the ‘o’ while placing the charms around and use the logo’s crown to define the brand. The crown is iconic for Pandora so I wanted to incorporate their royalty; the crown also highlights the power of the brand and fashionable they are. I feel this works for Pandora because it combines all their elements into one design whilst still representing the logo of their brand.

Poster 2:
This time I tried re-creating a poster for one of my favourite films using the theory of similarity. The original Tangled posters are complex as they incorporate many elements. I used one element to define the whole design focusing on Rapunzel’s dream to see the lanterns which always float on her birthday. I was inspired by the multiple beer glasses from our presentation overlaid with each other so I decided to do this with the lanterns. I positioned the lanterns to look as if they are floating upwards highlighting Rapunzel’s birthday and the time she got to see it happen. 


Ferdinand de Saussure came up with the signifier and the signified when analysing what we see. I found out from Steven Bradley how denotations and connotations describe the relationship between the signifier and signified. It’s helped me learn how important connotations are when it comes to understanding the meaning behind an idea. Bradley knows everyone won’t have the same connotations; whilst completing the activity it became clear how connotations manipulate the design to draw us in to believe its intended idea. 

Later we further looked into the importance of colour and typography as they are good influences of persuasion. Bruce Jones claims colour is important as it expresses messages, generates emotions and brings ideas to life. When choosing colour it shouldn’t be colours that you like because then it doesn’t strengthen the design. Text is just as important as it’s what attracts the readers as well keep their attention attached. 

This lesson was interesting as it provided insight to design I haven’t thought about before and I’m considering taking this on as my extended task as I believe it could help with storytelling in film. From the whole session, I’ve learned from the Gestalt Theory how important taking on a certain design means for a company/business/film as does the text because, these are what sell the product to the audience. If a design doesn’t look attractive enough stating what their product is all about to the best of its ability then people won’t engage with it.


Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc (2019), ‘Gestalt psychology’, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 28 November, accessed on 06/03/2020

Steane, J. (2013), ‘The principles and processes of interactive design’ [online], Fairchild Books, available from Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts, accessed on 02/03/2020

Vanseo Design, 2005, Denotation And Connotation — Literal And Implied Meaning, Steven Bradley, accessed on 12/03/2020,

Engadget, 2004, 8 Reasons Why Typography Is Important, Nabin Paudyal, accessed on 13/03/2020,


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