
Showing posts from March, 2020

Session 5: Transmedia Storytelling

Today’s session let us look back over the past few sessions which spoke about interaction. From the first week we looked into the idea of Web 2.0 and how when it was created people were able to interact and work collaboratively on many platforms. It turned out this played a crucial part in what I learned today. The focus on today’s lesson helped me look into the idea of transmedia and how it helps promote products on many different channels. According to Henry Jenkins he states “Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.” (Jenkins and Jenkins, 2007) My further understanding of this is the concept of transmedia is to help tell a story. This was demonstrated effectively for the creation of ‘Cloverfield’.  The cr...

Session 4: Non-Linear Storytelling

The objective for today’s session was looking into interactive and non-linear narratives. These were a few films following the non-linear structure: The session taught me how non-linear is found in many forms ranging from books to films but by nature cinema will always be linear. Leading into our first task we looked into some works that follow a non-linear narrative structure. I decided to choose ‘Hollow’ as my analysis but first I looked into a previous student’s work to see how they tackled a non-linear story of their own.  My understanding of non-linear storytelling didn’t come to be naturally, but I started to gain an idea at the mention of Pulp Fiction. Having studied it at A Level, I was aware the storyline was not linear but moved in different directions continuously until you reached the end back inside the diner where it all began. This is a common trait with Quentin Tarintino’s films which is how I started to understand this idea of non-linear storytelling. I...

Session 3: The Moving Image and Semiotics

Seminar Following from last week we carried on looking into semiotics but this time connecting it to the moving image and establishing its other signs: physical and psychological. Physical signs define what we see: Badge Rust gold colour Star Sheriff part of the Lincoln County Psychological signs define the meaning behind what we see: Justice Law Power Control Wild West Protection The way I’ve interpreted this during the lesson is how these signs are another way are defining denotations and connotations when analysing an image. However, I further learned they aren’t because the physical and psychological signs are linked to be known as ‘Metonymic’. When linking it to the idea of moving image the reasons these signs have come about is because they help build a character, so when looking back at the badge we know the character is of higher authority because they are the one with this item. I’ve learned film theorists call this ‘part to whole’ also...

Session 2: Visual Design & Art of Persuasion

My Visual Design: Our main task for the lesson today was looking into Gestalt Branding. There are 5 laws when customising a poster for a brand, product or charity or even film.  According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the meaning of Gestalt is ‘the way a thing has been “placed” or “put together”’ (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019).  Looking over the ten usability points when evaluating a design by Jakob Nielsen in the book of ‘The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design’ by Jamie Steane I was influenced to create my poster designs based on Nielsen’s first point as he talks about elegant simplicity where you keep it minimal as it creates attraction. Poster 1: For poster one I chose Pandora with law of Proximity. I noticed they always place the crown of their brand on top of the let ‘o’ in their name. Keeping this idea of simplicity from Nielsen, I used one of their bracelets to resemble the ‘o’ while placing the charms around and use the logo’s crow...

Session 1: Intro

My Digital Story: The mapping task engaged us to think about a journey that’s occurred in our lives that has happened digitally. It could be an ongoing journey which is leading you somewhere or just something small that has happened. Below I have mapped out and bullet pointed out the key moments that have made my journey: I watched created videos on YouTube from theNightFuryfan95 and 1998Ebb based around films and TV series but I was already editing in Photoshop. Downloaded Sony Vegas Pro and created my own YouTube channel and editing Instagram account.  Editing led me to take Media Studies (GCSE) and Film Studies (A-Level).  2018 interviewed for the National Youth Film Academy and took part in the 2 week course in April 2019 as the role of editor.  Networked with numerous contacts leading me to an internship with the company Clouded Vision.    The point of my story is how I would never have found the path of my future if I hadn't tried differen...